Hola, This is Andy. Today I am going to share with you our MonoBlock LiFePO4 Battery.
The Original Purpose is to Replace the old Lead-Acid Battery directly
Well, the original purpose of these batteries is, to replace the old lead-acid battery directly. The product range is from 12V7Ah to 12V300Ah, including some 24V models and 48V models.
Here this is a typical model 12.8V100Ah, to replace the old 12V100Ah lead-acid battery. It is also the most popular model.
As you can see here, the nominal voltage is 12.8V. It is similar to 12V, the 12V lead-acid batteries. And it is in the voltage range of the inverter and the charge controllers.
They are also good for battery systems including 12V, 24V, and 48V. They can be connected in series like the lead-acid battery.
The battery size is still the same, exactly the same as the old lead-acid battery 12V100Ah, including the terminals, they are M8.
If for solar systems, you will not need to change anything else. Your inverter, your charge controller, your battery cabinet, or even your cables. They don’t need to change at all. In one word, you will not need to change anything else except the battery. You can easily upgrade your battery system to lithium.
Battery Size and Smaller Version
And here, this is a smaller version of 12V100Ah. If your battery compartment or battery room is smaller, this one may be a better fit.
OK, let’s check the sizes.
For this original case, the length is 330mm, the width is 175mm, and the height is 220mm. It is the same as the old lead-acid battery case 12V100Ah. This size is within the BCI standard group 31. BCI is an international standard for the battery sizes used in RV, Caravan, Boat, Ship, and other vehicles. These square batteries are also good to be used as leisure batteries in RV, Caravan, Boat, and Ships.
For this smaller version, it is 307*169*208. So the length is about 23 millimeters shorter, the width is 5 millimeters less, and 10 millimeters less height. It is within the BCI standard group 27, a smaller group.
If you like the battery to be smaller, this is a better choice.
If compared to lead-acid battery, our MonoBlock LiFePO4 Battery has a lot of advantages.
First, the super-long cycle life. Our MonoBlock LiFePO4 Battery can work for over 10 years, as the cycle life is over 4000 times.
2nd, our MonoBlock LiFePO4 Battery is eco-friendly. The environment issue is becoming more and more severe nowadays, it is very important for the battery not to pollute the earth.
All the elements in this battery are common elements, there is no Lead or Cobalt.
As you know that, the lead in the lead-acid battery is heavy and polluted metal. And the cobalt in the NMC lithium battery is a hard and harmful metal.
3rd, our MonoBlock LiFePO4 battery also has much higher constant power.
For this battery 12.8V100Ah, if for 1C current, which is 100A, the constant power can be 1.28kW. It will support working for 1 hour.
Meanwhile, if for one lead-acid battery 12V100Ah, 1C condition, it can work for only about 30 minutes, maybe less.
I can say that, if we consider in long term, such as 5 years, or even longer, our MonoBlock LiFePO4 battery is even cheaper than lead-acid battery.
Different Case Colors Are Supported
As we know that, the battery case is always in black. A lot of people will choose black, just like me, my clothes are mostly black. But it is not good for your brand image.
Just imagine that, all the batteries are in black, no one will remember you or your brand.
But if you do a special color, your customers will remember your brand easily, rather than those black batteries.
That’s why we are also supporting special colors, like this sky-blue, and this red, I like these 2 colors very much. And there are more combinations for different tops and cases.

Advanced Function – BlueTooth App
Well, there are more functions for our MonoBlock LiFePO4 battery.
BlueTooth App is optional. We can check all the battery detailed information from the phone app.
The most important is the SOC(State of Charge). It is the percentage of the remaining energy, and here also the remaining capacity, it is the value in Ah of the remaining energy. So that we can know how much energy is inside the battery directly.
The temperature, the left running time, the total voltage, the power, and the voltages & details of the battery cells. You can also turn off the switches, the charge & discharge switch, when the battery is transportation or storage, to protect the battery from short circuits.
Here from the battery state page, you can see all the battery status information. And here cycle number, which means how many cycles have been used of this battery.
Parameter view you can check all the parameters.
Here parameter settings, you can also change the parameters. The best working range of LiFePO4 batteries is 10% SOC to 90%, and in my opinion, 5% to 95% is good enough.
So if you want your battery life to be even longer, maybe 15 or 20 years, you can change a little bit of the voltage settings, including the charge overvoltage and the discharge under voltage. Then the battery can be working even better and longer under your settings.
From the video, you can also how the bluetooth app is working.
Advanced Function – Battery Meter
Another useful kit is the battery meter. It is a type of current meter, and also it is called a coulomb meter.
The old battery meter is based on the voltage, it is not accurate especially for lithium batteries. As you know, the lithium battery discharge curve is really flat. The current meter is more accurate based on the current & time. It is now more and more popular.
The battery meter has a sampler to detect the current value, it can be connected inside the battery case, signal wire through this waterproof socket. Or it can also be built outside.
Here from the LCD, you can also see the SOC, the remaining capacity, and the remaining time it can be working.
If the battery is going low, we can know it immediately. Then we can arrange the charge at a proper time, or we will be out of energy when we are in need.
If connected outside, this battery meter is also working with other batteries, such as lead-acid battery, NMC lithium battery, Nickel battery, or even Sodium battery.
Thank you for watching, if you are interested, I would open this battery pack, and we can see what is inside, and how is the internal structure.
If you have any other questions, please contact us via email or call us directly!
Thank you! See you!